fare magazine | issue 7 | antwerp


A baroque city in the heart of belgium's flemish-speaking region, antwerp is a testament to the country's diversifying cultural landscape, its rich artistic legacy, and its most closely revered traditions.

Inside This Issue_

+ Visit a third-generation diamond polisher in the backstreets of the city's diamond district

+ Immaculate tableside service and cooking at a classic french-belgian bistro.

+ Learn about "Lost Monday," a special holiday with working class roots celebrated with obligatory citywide pastry consumption.

+ Tour Antwerp's influential port - one of the biggest in Europe - and the tiny villages that have survived its massive expansion.

A baroque city in the heart of belgium's flemish-speaking region, antwerp is a testament to the country's diversifying cultural landscape, its rich artistic legacy, and its most closely revered traditions.

Inside This Issue_

+ Visit a third-generation diamond polisher in the backstreets of the city's diamond district

+ Immaculate tableside service and cooking at a classic french-belgian bistro.

+ Learn about "Lost Monday," a special holiday with working class roots celebrated with obligatory citywide pastry consumption.

+ Tour Antwerp's influential port - one of the biggest in Europe - and the tiny villages that have survived its massive expansion.

details + materials

+ 200 pages of full-colour photographs, illustrations, original articles, interviews and essays.

+ Print_ 170mm x 240 mm | lithographically printed on Maxima Silk and Munken Print White stock | perfect bound.

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